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CLR via C# – Jeffrey Richter

Posted on:November 21, 2010 at 01:00 AM

CLR via C# is one of the books that should be considered to be read by experienced .NET software engineer. I would not recommend this position to fresh software engineer. This book touches many (if not all) advanced areas in .NET framework up to 4.0. Jeffrey describes how C# language is implemented the way it is or why C# compiler works as it works (i.e. why it uses callvirt IL instruction, instead of call IL instruction, when calling a non-virtual instance method). In several places author has good arguments in hand to criticize .NET development team for that how they have implemented some CLR features (i.e. Exceptions mechanism) :)

Book is divided in 5 parts:

  1. CLR Basics (basic information about how CLR, assemblies, namespaces etc. are organized and working together)
  2. Designing Types (describes type inheritance model, classes, fields, methods, events, parameters, properties, generics and interfaces in all possible ways the can be used in C# and how the fit into CLR)
  3. Essential Types (deep study of System.String, Arrays, Delegates, Custom Attributes and Nullable Value Types)
  4. Core Facilities (this is one of the most important parts. Jeffrey describes in details Exceptions and State Management, Garbage Collection, CLR Hostiong and AppDomains, Assembly Loading and Reflection, Runtime Serialization)
  5. Threading (described how to write multi-threaded application.Thread basics, Synchronous and Asynchronous Operation, Hybrid Thread Synchronization Constructs) After reading this book I understood that there were many things in .NET that I had no idea about or I didn’t know how they work internally (like Garbage Collector). Especially parts 4 and 5 are very valuable to be read.

The 3rd Edition was extended with new features available in .NET 4.0, i.e. :