Post o sesjach jakie miales w marcu
March was a month when I had 3 presentations. All of them were strongly related to code quality.
Session 1 - Technical Roadmap
I was asked by Dermot Corr from TechSaturdays to give a presentation about how business and technical track alignment when developing a product. The audience was mostly startups related business people wanting to make an impact :). The message I wanted to business should share ideas and also listen to developers. In addition developer - they know what is in code. The living documentation is in code. The claim is that in order to deliver good quality software, robust and maintainable, business and development should work together toward same goal.
Session 2 - Software Maintenance. Pawel invading QA conference :)
This was the session I was most worried about :) I - a software engineer - on Quality Assurance conference… does not sound safe… The attendees were mostly testers, project owners and CTO’s. We all are interested in delivering good and working software. Developers usually deliver compiled code. In my presentation I wanted to explain what other team members (apart from developers) should demand from the system. Logs and monitoring is one thing, but the organization itself is another thing. The session was rated above the average - which I very nice, although it was not the top one. The slides are available below:
Session 3 - Code Crime Scene
Last session in March’s marathon was technical meat for newbie software engineers at “Students IT Festival” in Cracow. This was the same session I had already several times. I like to give technical talks to young people because this reminds me about some moments when I was on the other side trying to grasp all the black magic served by the speaker :) I need to admin that SFI organizers impressed me. Given that the whole festival was for free still the quality and other speakers were very good. Just to mention Thomas Cormen, co-author of Introduction to Algorithms
Slides from Code Crime Scene
So, as you can see all my sessions are closely related to delivering quality software. I try to explain how to deliver quality programs from different perspective. I strongly believe that it is possible. On the other hand I’m happy that the marathon is finally over :)