WROC# strikes again!
Another great IT conference and second one happening in Wroclaw, Poland. Cool :) The organizers surprised us again few times :)
But before WROC#, we as WrocNET, had a pre-WROC# event. The main topic was multithreading with Marcin Dudek - Open the Lock and Maciej Aniserowicz - Testing multithreading scenarios in .NET. 98 developers attended, which is pretty good number. After the official session we had afterparty sponsored by PGS in CyyberMachina. I really enjoyed it.
Ahh, I hate describing sessions… sooo => SKIP :) I will just mention one. Session “Go hack yourself…or someone else will” was something fairly unique. Frans described how to earn money with bug-boundary programs. Here is a list of companies willing to pay for founded bugs.
Conference add-ons
- Competition games - there were at least 2 computer games written by Objectivity employees. One even used external devices. Nice.
- Wroclaw promotion corner - good that Objectivity tries to promote also local culture. I really appreciate that :)
- VR Corner with Microsoft HoloLens, Oculus VR etc. - this was very occupied place. When I was leaving the conference people were still playing there…
- Tesla Model S - everyone could jump in and have a look. I think competition winners could ride it.
- Wrocsharpowe beer - every year taste better. This is a symbol :)
I meet many people. Au usual, I guess.
Valuable attendees - this is what makes every single conference fly!
I’m sad that WROC# 2017 is over. It was a really nice conference where I meed many friends and learned something new. Thank you Objectivity!
I need to attend a conference where I don’t know anybody. That could be a really nice experience.