As some of you may know I work with BizTalk. I’m involved in an integration project where ESB Toolkit will be used soon. I’m researching various scenarios at the moment.
There is a lot of documentation about ESB Toolkit on MSDN sites. The problem is that usually the basic scenarios are well documented. All the rest is like connecting the dots in fog :)
I had several issues with debugging itineraries. Fortunately, it is possible to have some tracing there.
ESB Tracing
Here are the steps how to turn on tracking of BizTalk events.
As the first step, we need to turn on tracing in
BTSNTSVC.exe.config (32bit or 64bit!)
Simpy add following section:
Remember that BizTalk service has to be restarted after the change is made
Next (and the last) is to download Debug View tool. The only thing after starting Debug View is to enable “Global Win32” capturing. This can be done in menu “Capture” => “Capture Global Win32”.
When we are done with that we can test out itinerary and BizTalk ESB will write tracing information straight to DebugView window. Like below.
Extra This tool can capture information like: