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Global AI Bootcamp Workshop

Posted on:December 16, 2018 at 01:00 AM


I can say another weekend, another workshop :) Azure Bot Framework this time!

If you or your company are instered in Azure Bot Framework Workshop workshop at your place - feel free to contact me.

This time together with Michał Jankowski (also Microsoft MVP) we organized a Global AI Bootcamp 2018 event in Wrocław. Big thanks fly to Objectivity for hosting the event.

We divided the event into a couple of stages. First, the whole group watched a video provided by Microsoft about AI impact on the world and various industries. Afterwards, we started the workshops.


First Michał had a general workshop on (all?) Cognitive Services. The participants went through various use-cases and scenarios. In minutes and just a few lines of code, they have created a scalable solution (Logic Apps based) able to classify images and automatically moderate them.

My part was focused barely on Bot Framework. Participants have created a simple bot that was able to communicate via Skype! We touched topics like Dialogs, QnAMaker and LUIS. The topic has so many sub-areas to cover that it would be too much for few hours workshop.


I’m really satisfied with the workshop. Everything went the as expected. There are some tiny bits and pieces that could be improved (as always), but the general impression is that we are eager to organize more workshops :)