Last Wednesday we had our first meeting in regarding .NET Dev PL website project. It was 1,5 hour Skype discussion. I think it went pretty well. We learned a little bit about other team members. It turned out that some of us are experts in front-end technologies, others in SharePoint or in DevOps. I’m happy that the team is a mix of various point of views.
After brief self-introductions, we started a long discussion about the project form, technologies, coding styles and everything around developing a working solution. It’s truly amazing how my original image of the project was affected by others ideas. It was a really great experience.
We ended up with following technologies (for now):
- Nancy
- Ninject
- TwitterBootstrap
- NLog
- Angular.js
- Simple.Data - mongo, sqlite3
- NSubstitute
- nUnit/xUnit
We also plan to have code reviews and do some pair programming.
Here are my thoughts about organizing online meetings
I think it is a good routine to send an agenda to all participants some hours, maybe a day, before the meeting. Everybody will know what will be discussed during the meeting and have the possibility to change the agenda.
it’s handy to have a shared screen, in case if somebody needs to show something to the others.
Remember to take minutes from the meeting. In the past, I used to rely barely on my brain, but if someone mentioned once a useful information it was hard for me to remember that later. This time HackPad did a great job ;)
As the primary output from the meeting, we agreed to make some experiments in Nancy on our own and take another meeting next week. Looking forward to it!
More to come?
I believe that the project will develop and we all will benefit from it. Most probably I will blog about it ;)
Online meeting rules
- Send the agenda before the meeting
- Set a time frame for the meeting
- Take minutes for the meeting
- Use a shared screen - if needed