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GeekWeekWro#3 Is Now History

Posted on:April 3, 2017 at 02:00 AM

One week. Many geeks. One idea.

The goal

The main goal of each and every GeekWeekWro is to increase awareness of IT communities in Wroclaw. We want to unite local tech groups and together show to the city and corporate worlds that the social aspect is very strong here :) And we did it!

Week of meetings

This year we had 23 groups on board. They are quite diverse. Starting from programming like WrocNET, PHPers, GoWroc, TechTalk with CapGemini, Software Talks, LoGeekNight or wroc.py. Quality Assurance with WrotQA or Girst Who Test. Others like: Make Sense In IT, SAP DevOps. Also some science groups like: DSW and STWUR.

Every evening was fully occupied with group events :)

Saturday conference

Last year we had a after party on Saturday. This year we wanted to try something else. Due to lack of the funds last year we couldn’t make a conference. This year we had 4 sponsors: BNY Mellon (Gold Sponsor), Luxoft (Silver Sponsor), CapGemini and Microsoft who helped a lot! Thank you for support!

The conference itself went pretty well. No big issues during that time. I forgot my opening presentation, but was able to download it somehow :) the rest went pretty well!

Here is the historical picture of final minutes at GWW#3 conference.

The team

This the team that did it.

We meet in January and started to collaborate towards common goal. We had several meetings online via Hangout. I was the one responsible for holding all mess together. Organizing meetings, contacting groups and many others. That was fun.

At this point I want to thank all the other team members for the work. Without all of you it would be not possible to achieve was we wanted! THANK YOU!


Another year, another GeekWeekWro - hell yeah!

AGAIN:We did it!

I had a blog post last year about GeekWeekWro#2